Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Menteath House Garden

The garden is now pretty much finished in terms of the major build. The final three bags of bark went down this morning with help from Poplar HARCA who arrived just as I was starting to flag...

Ten households growing their own food in a small corner of east London next to their homes.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


June, Mary and Lucille harvested some potatoes today. The crop wasn't that big, but they were very excited!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hafiza's peas

Hafiza's peas by Marj Joly
Hafiza's peas, a photo by Marj Joly on Flickr.

Purple and green peas, grown by Hafiza. A very wet morning, so wet we could barely get out in the garden - managed a few minutes. Spent the morning chatting.